Tuesday, November 15, 2011

First Swap!

I was so excited when Anna put up a post about doing a swap. I've never been part of one before so I jumped at the chance. Her blog is lovely and she updates a lot more regularly than I do and she loves her tea (me too!!)so I was in!
I wasn't disappointed when on a rainy Friday after work I trekked to the Post Office sorting centre and picked up my package...

How lucky did I get? Love all this beautiful stuff I got, especially the artwork! I don't have the blog address for the lovely person who sent this to me but as soon as I do I will add it to this post (if you're out there, please send it on!)

This is the link to Laura's lovely blog...go on over and check it out!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Some Eye Candy from a Market in St.Petersburg

There is a wonderful tourist market near the Church on Spilled Blood, but be warned...haggle like there is no tomorrow or you will end up paying double or triple the price for some items. I was going to buy a watch at one stall but changed my mind and later bought it in Moscow for almost half the price!
The stallholders must be applauded for their displays....