Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day of Love

I don't know why, but yesterday for the first time on Valentine's Day I really took note of the hordes of men carrying bunches of flowers home to their significant others. It made me smile. I am a self-confessed sucker for romance.
When I arrived home after my Zumba class, red as a beetroot, my sweetheart was in the kitchen cooking up a storm. When I sat down to dinner, which included the exotic ingredient asparagus (yum), the candles were lighting and the music was low…perfect! I also got spoiled with a massive bunch of beautiful flowers and a cute card.


I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day, whether treating yourself or someone else…

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Can we go back to writing letters?

I always loved writing letters when I was younger...well, maybe not so much writing as receiving letters...especially when the sender had embellished the envelope with stickers or drawings and written on fancy paper! Ah, fancy paper....the joy of collecting it and swapping with your friends and sista! I still have mine in a little box, along with notebooks, stickers and all sorts of goodies that could make correspondence even more fun! So, when I grow up I want to have a space in my home for a desk for letter writing and drawers for my fancy stationery...